Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi
where all the cute kittens go...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Move IN Day 1 at Etihad Towers

A couple weeks after Halloween and I swear you could have witnessed two zombies walking around Abu Dhabi... Me and Joey!

It wasn't by any means on purpose, just the result of some seriously long hours furniture shopping, strategizing move in arrangements, long drives to and from dubai, work, late hours skyping with family, being sick (I think it's allergies causing me to feel like I have the beginning stages of the flu...just constantly tired with a sore throat and headache) and a few other random stresses.  The days simply go by too fast...or better there are never enough hours in the day to accomplish all we would like in a relaxing sort of way.  We're still trying to work in time to send our save-the-dates...but that keeps getting bumped :(  Soon, though, I promise.

Anyways  after sleeping in this morning, I'm finding myself with a little more energy to post our latest happenings...our move in!

Joey admiring our view!
The apartment really is amazing and we can't wait to share it with all of you!  YES, that's a personal invitation to come visit us!!  We'll hopefully have all of our furniture by mid-January (our couch and coffee tables are coming from Denmark courtesy of BoConcepts and we'll have a shipment of our stuff from the states too), so feel free to plan your visit anytime after :)

So our 1st move in was yesterday (saturday from 9-12pm) where we just got keys, inspected everything, had the cleaners come in (It was a mess when we walked in!  They were supposed to clean and have everything perfect before we came.  I was mortified....and of course complained.  Then before we knew it, 10 smallish guys were in and fast at work dusting, mopping, buffing, painting...it was nuts!), and had furniture and appliances delivered.  So in the end, it all went relatively smoothly.

But Joey and I were wiped.  We left our new apartment around 3 and headed for some random odds and ends at TheOne furnishings and lunch.  They have the most delicious food!!  From what I can remember of it...it was just as tasty yesterday.  But I think Joey and I were both so tired, it all was a blur.  I can vaguely remember looking at chairs for our dining table and trying with all my brain power to determine which would look better...the red ones or the white.  The red ones or the white... Ow.  Must sleep.  Can't go on...

Okay, so more on the official move in day on the 16th!!  Miss you all!

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